Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I'm a big, very big fan of House since the first episode it came out.

I know this episode came out somewhere last 2 weeks but I don't actually have some ample leisure time to watch it.

Finally I got time to watch the season finale - not just the season, but the whole House TV show finale. What  can I conclude is: I think THIS was one of the best series finalies ever. It is pure House. The unexpected expected. He gave everything up to be with his friend at the end. It was perfect! House finally accepted the reality of his life and realized that the only way for him to live, was for him to die. His life changed forever and it was a total selfless act. His only concern was ensuring that his best friend, who took care of him all these years, enabled his addictions and rescued him for sudden destruction was going to live his last 5 months. After watching this episode, I think we all can move on now.

My tears rolled down watching this. It was so surreal with all the emotions portrayed by the characters. Can't believe I have such soft emotions.

Wilson trying to explain to House that he will stick to his decisions no matter what

House is just being a friend all along - and Wilson is responding naturally in parallel with his decision

House trying to kill himself


I have one hour to pack my things up.

I always smile. I normally won't get influenced by any kind of emotional input - but the chain of events that happened within these few days has gotten me unstable enough to reach in an unpositive way. I've gotten to a point where I am really frustrated with all these.

But oh well, drama aside - 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lovely car

Its been quite awhile since my last post. There's alot of things happened since my last post and this very day that I could not summarize and detail in the blog, but what I can say is - life's keeps getting better and better. Alhamdulillah. However, I would like to dedicate this post to my little car - my awesome companion since last 2 years.

Just wanted to share what I always bring in my car. I like to travel around - all around Malaysia - across states very frequently, alone. My car has been (and always be) my second home. That's why I like to stuff things that I randomly and frequently need inside my car. Today, while cleaning up my car, I decided to snap up some photos of things inside.

First of all - my boot (some call bonnet)

Those are the things I believe would be a life saver when I'm travelling. A 6-man tent and two sleeping bags. The green one comes from Giant - a cheap one. The original sleeping beg that I own. But sayang seribu kali sayang, its a small one. Doesnt fit my height at all. I remembered once I had to bend and squeeze myself inside the sleeping beg while camping at the peak of the mountain at Chemerong-Berembun-Lansir just to keep up the heat.. damn shivering badly even when I'm stuffed inside. The second one, which is the blue one, is a great one. Very tall sleeping bag with headrest. Bought it at Mydin (who says Mydin sell 2nd class stuffs. I love to shop there) and very satisfied with the overall quality.

Behind my tent is the 60-piece automotive emergency kit for emergency reason. Look what's below all these:

My spare tire. This has saved my life two times so far - one at Cyberjaya, while coming back from Friday Prayers and another one was waaaay back previously while going out with my ex. Was driving around town and suddenly we heard a short loud hissing sound.

" Ah Sudah !! "

Wild speculations from my mind was confirmed with the vehicle tilting on the left. It's like Titanic, but while travelling fast on the right lane. I stopped and eventually changed the tire in the middle of the road while giving everyone "I don't give a damn on what you're thinking" face.

My jumper set. Saved my life numerous times. I remembered that I have to jump my battery after camping at Frasers Hill.

Portable tire inflator. Not many people own this - nor realize the emergency need of this device. Saved my life while attending a camp at Segamat.

A first aid triangular bandage and the official Manual Pertolongan Cemas book. Both sponsored by PBSM while attending the Kursus Menyelamat dan Pertolongan Cemas recently. Very important tool for emergency cases. Book is read fortnightly to sharpen skills.

Favourite porch bag with a mini carabiner hanging there for my GPS unit. Lots of pockets for different needs.

Rain repellant by eBay. Very handy and useful.

No. Not an inch of what you'e thinking on your head. I don't smoke. These lighters are for emergency purposes and to start up fire while hiking.

What's wrong with some panadols around.

My favourite perfume. Azzaro Chrome. Used since secondary school times. Very exotic brand - can't find it cheap at uptowns and downtowns. Have to buy it original at Parkson for RM300-ish.

I love to keep reciepts when I buy things. Every single receipts, whether it is requested or provided without any form of after-sales communication. I love travelling, so most of the receipts here are the petrol receipts from various petrol stations.

And also, stationaries. Very useful for quick updates or if I have some ideas popped in the middle of journey.

I have a trip to Jerantut, Pahang tomorrow and to Chukai, Terengganu on the next day. Tomorrow's trip is under abg Suhail - a trip to Omey's house in Jerantut. He will dump me at the Jerantut bus station afterwards because he needs to rush to another place afterwards. Then I have to take a bus to Kuantan, and - Chukai for an impromptu visit to my cousin's house.

Looking forward for this weekend as I have a hiking and night trekking trip to Pine Tree Hill & Twin Peak and also a bird-watching session there. Frasers Hill, here I come!