Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I'm a big, very big fan of House since the first episode it came out.

I know this episode came out somewhere last 2 weeks but I don't actually have some ample leisure time to watch it.

Finally I got time to watch the season finale - not just the season, but the whole House TV show finale. What  can I conclude is: I think THIS was one of the best series finalies ever. It is pure House. The unexpected expected. He gave everything up to be with his friend at the end. It was perfect! House finally accepted the reality of his life and realized that the only way for him to live, was for him to die. His life changed forever and it was a total selfless act. His only concern was ensuring that his best friend, who took care of him all these years, enabled his addictions and rescued him for sudden destruction was going to live his last 5 months. After watching this episode, I think we all can move on now.

My tears rolled down watching this. It was so surreal with all the emotions portrayed by the characters. Can't believe I have such soft emotions.

Wilson trying to explain to House that he will stick to his decisions no matter what

House is just being a friend all along - and Wilson is responding naturally in parallel with his decision

House trying to kill himself


I have one hour to pack my things up.

I always smile. I normally won't get influenced by any kind of emotional input - but the chain of events that happened within these few days has gotten me unstable enough to reach in an unpositive way. I've gotten to a point where I am really frustrated with all these.

But oh well, drama aside - 

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